General Boards > Off Topic

Is Vic going into another lockdown?

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Apologies to any who found this disrespectful, tasteless, etc

But I have no respect for any politician (left, right, center, above, etc) who is willing to see some of us die (yep, I'm at risk due to health), have no meaningful/effective lockdown, remove pitiful restrictions and all that so the economy can get a boost.

And if you met the guy who sent this joke and myself, don't think you could paint us as leftist, tree-huggers, etc either. That we are not.

The discontent towards our current pollies is palpable.
And if we can joke about this sad lot, we will.

Well I thought it was extremely funny and laughed until there were tears in my eyes.  I didn't view it as offensive or threatening and was actually rather surprised by the negative comments.  I don't suppose I should have been surprised as were all humans and therefore have widely varying opinions on almost everything.

For example my Isuzu is a manual.  I can't understand why someone would want to pay more for something a coordinated person can do using one hand and foot.   :laughing7:

Yeah guys, that's why I created the "Just Jokes" thread in the 'off topics' section of the forum.

Some are cheeky smart arse's (like me), and other people don't share my warped sense of humour.
So we need to be locked in a room by ourselves from time to time .......................


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