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Paddy and Mick were driving up to Dublin.  Paddy looks out the window and sees all the trees, road signs and hedges zooming past at a great speed. 

So Paddy turns to Mick and says, "Geez Michael, would you slow up a wee bit please?"

Mick turns to Paddy and says with a confused look on his face' "But I taut you were doin' the drivin' today".

A priest, a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar. The bar tender says to the rabbit "what'll you have”? The rabbit says "I'm not sure I'm only here because of auto correct”.

When I was growing up, the sign # was called pound, and not hashtag
Good thing it changed, since "pound metoo" would've been sending the wrong message!

Paddy had just bought a new car and took it back to the dealer to complain.

Dealer:  What's up Paddy?

Paddy:  The new car won't reach 60 up my hill!

Dealer:  That's a very steep hill where you live Paddy.  What's wrong with not reaching 60?

Paddy:  I live at 97. 

I went to the doctor for that horrible prostate exam,
The doctor cautioned me that "sometimes it can cause an erection",
I replied that "I think I will be alright",
He replied "I wasn't talking about you"


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