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The Free Moreton Island Ferry GiveAway!

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Like any dog with a lead in its mouth eagerly waiting for an adventure, so too is the D-max Dog.

Tyres and suspension made for misadventure but yet to dig holes in the sand or conquer a creek.

An underbelly that has never been baptized and a snorkel that has only gasped in urban smog.

Let the Dog have its adventure and breathe Moreton Island freedom for we have never been.

Every dog has its day. Be a hero! Make it D-Max Dog’s Day.

To infinity, and beyond… well, from 4x2 to 4x4 anyway.

Pics should the dog win.

My darling was leaving a hospital car park and a large concrete block approx 300kg leapt into her path, in a selfless act to protect my beloved the mighty MUX bravely sacrificed the left guard. Apart from being rather cross and somewhat angry at the offending concrete block which had somehow appeared in her intended path, she is well.

Tomorrow, MUX is off to the doctor again for some panel work and a few new bits, I am sure it will be returned to us just in time to head off somewhere ......... Islandy, to help with its recovery process.

We are at the halfway mark!   :)
Entries to the GiveAway closes at 9pm, on Saturday, 20 Feb 2016.
One thing is for sure now, an OzIsuzu Forum member will be ferried to Moreton for FREE!  :icon_thumleft:
Make sure you go through the Terms and Conditions before you post your entry!
There's still 3 days left to whip up a yarn ('keep it within 100 words).:occasion14:

Seeing how as I'm the harder working of the two in our carpentry partnership I've decided to enter. My owner wakes me up early, brings me home late, and makes me carry all of the tools plus materials needed for work.
As I am heavily over worked, my owner wants to reward me and take me on a holiday, and as a bonus I get to carry all the camping gear.
I think a relaxing ferry trip would be just what the doctor ordered.
He has worked me hard for the past 16 months , l would really love to win.

Thanks and appreciation  :icon_thumleft: to LST, Yoodles, grantm & als4b.
Yes, we can do a good banter other than catchcans, lifts and lockers!  :icon_cheers:

DMaximus' Dmax will soon be on a FREE Ferry to Moreton Island.

"Like any dog with a lead in its mouth eagerly waiting for an adventure, so too is the D-max Dog.
Tyres and suspension made for misadventure but yet to dig holes in the sand or conquer a creek.
An underbelly that has never been baptized and a snorkel that has only gasped in urban smog.
Let the Dog have its adventure and breathe Moreton Island freedom for we have never been.
Every dog has its day. Be a hero! Make it D-Max Dog’s Day.
To infinity, and beyond… well, from 4x2 to 4x4 anyway.
Pics should the dog win."     - DMaximus

Congratulations DMaximus!  :cup:

the OzIsuzu Forum Team
DannyG           -Danny
DmaxDave       -Dave
BinaryMan       -OJ   



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