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I live in Adelaide and have just returned from a trip to Darwin- 2016 DMAX- 10 days driving 6300 klms-fuel consumption 10 klm/litre.
Beware of Erldunda at 3.05 a litre!!!
What intrigues me is the number of  reasonable cars on the side of the road either broken down/accident damage or stolen dumped and burnt.
If one has a hit an animal and damaged beyond driving or even towing (no fun on a tow rope with no power steering or brakes)  how do you get by? Your mobile phone is useless so sat phone or Starlink?
Rely on others?
I can understand with accident damage and recovery costs and repair costs why so many cars are left.

Was that towing? I also live in South Australia(Barossa Valley area) and have just returned from a trip to Darwin. 12.76l/100kms towing a 2.5 ton caravan. 6750km total with about 700km not towing. Vehicle is a MY19 Dmax.

hi - not towing.   10klm per litre =10 litres per 100klm
your consumption sounds good,
my dmax is 2016 with 5 speed and yours is 6 speed
and i would drive much faster than you.


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