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Worst hotspots for roadkill 2020

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Emu’s I have been told are one of the dummest animals out their, I have been told of a number of them running into to side of vehicles while there where driving down roads.


--- Quote from: mewgaf on May 05, 2023, 12:45:23 AM ---Emu’s I have been told are one of the dummest animals out their, I have been told of a number of them running into to side of vehicles while there where driving down roads.

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Yes! Happened to me in a small Honda about 15 years ago in the Flinders ranges. I was driving on a dirt track, encountered a gaggle of them and slowed right down. One of them was silly enough to run into me and damage the door. It ran away and seemed OK. For some reason I had expected them to be smart enough to avoid a collision.


--- Quote from: mewgaf on Apr 30, 2023, 01:12:31 AM ---Hi All
I came across this again and thought I might share it with the group.


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Has there been an increase in the number of roadkill as this news story says? August is already over. They wrote that a 15% increase was expected.


--- Quote from: ranmar850 on May 02, 2023, 11:35:07 AM ---They misspelt Baldivis :-) Not Baldavis. This is a southern suburb of Perth. Everyone worries about the wildlife on the roads when you hit the big northwest, and yet, our worst places are down in the southwest. Massive mobs of greys getting fat and breeding. I live surrounded by national park at the north end of the midwest, and our biggest risk area is right in town, big mobs of greys, coming in to feed on lawns and the oval.

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Wow, it's like you live in a zoo :laughing7:


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