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Ferrex 6 in 1 petrol powered garden tool


An ALDI purchase
I am having mixed thoughts re this product. Have read reviews on Product review- also mixed thoughts!
Tis very heavy,carry strap useless, hard to assemble  and I couldnt use the edger in a straight line.
I would like to return same but dont expect sympathy.
Any one else purchased one?

I purchased one of the older Garden line one about four year ago.  It has a chain saw, hedge trimmer, and line and disc weed trimmer attachments. 
Yep, a bit on the heavy side. Goes together ok.  I think the line trimmer broke just after I got it.
I use it for hedge trimming the Banksia rose and Ivy (main use).  The disk weed cutter for cutting the heavy woody weeds at the Range, and the chain saw attachment to trim up the Chinese elm tree.  For the money I can't complain. 

I also have a 40 year old stihl weed trimmer which I use for light grassy weeds. I also bought a stihl electric mower last year so as I have a battery and charger for that series of products I might venture down that path for a new hedge trimmer if the old garden line unit gives up the ghost.     

Today I returned the Ferrex to ALDI -The young lady apologised  for my troubles. Full credit if you return in 60 days.
I know it ain't Isuzu but most of us have a garden.


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