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Author Topic: Is Vic going into another lockdown?  (Read 12191 times)

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Offline Seshman

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #60 on: Aug 17, 2021, 07:00:58 PM »
All the eggs went into the basket the rest of the world was saying no to, its dubious at best in my opinion.
As for the production, surely they could of gotten setup for Pfizer in the mean time. Theres multiple labs now producing AZ, surely you'd want to cover all bases and keep options open, This has been going on for nearly 2 years now remember.

I would of been more comfortable with a new home grown vaccine as opposed to the an unknown from overseas. Call it patriotism or pragmatism, but I'd be more willing to support an Australian designed drug than another overseas untested drug. Theres always going to be side effects and reactions to any vaccine, sadly everyone reacts differently and as we're seeing, people will die.

I just feel they did(as they usually do) a knee jerk reaction to mitigate the look of incompetence because they weren't planning ahead or taking it seriously enough. The inquests are going to be never ending once this all settles and the Leadership will give the same response as per usual "We acted upon the information that we had at the time", never do they say "We planned for the possibility and mitigated factor x and y because of it."

A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory.

Offline WAI4WD

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #61 on: Aug 17, 2021, 08:10:59 PM »
As for the production, surely they could of gotten setup for Pfizer in the mean time. Theres multiple labs now producing AZ, surely you'd want to cover all bases and keep options open, This has been going on for nearly 2 years now remember.
Yer, but remember, we didn't have a viable vacinne until the end of last year. That was the first time the world had access to a Covid vax. Everything was new. Nobody, not you, me, Scotty on the hill, could possibly have known which vax would be best at that time. They paid $$$ towards so many, hedging their bets. Some they lost on, others they won upon.

AZ was actually easier to make here if memory serves me correctly, as they were already making similar vacinnes here and only had to retool for it. Pfizer MRNA on the other hand, nothing like that is made here and Pfizers own reps have said it will take them 18+ months to get the gear here, setup, all the testing, then production.

This is all based on the first ever vax for covid hitting the market late 2020. We aren't as far on as people think we are for this. A vacinne created, tested and rolled out in a year. Holy crap. They have stated its never been done before. NEVER. This is a first in history.

Vacinnes typically take years to develop, years of testing, and maybe see the public 5 - 7 years later. That is normal. Nothing like that has happened with this globally.
Theres always going to be side effects and reactions to any vaccine, sadly everyone reacts differently and as we're seeing, people will die.
If only the media started with this in their criticism, which IMO has caused a lot of the issue in vax hesitancy. They created the story to now report on the issues due to their reporting of primarily the negatives. Journalism is dead. Simon... you should be writing the crap for channel 7 news so they stop the nonsense sensationalism to create drama, so they can then report on said drama. Write the truth and reality. Love it.

X-Terrain 2021 with a long list of to-do's.

Offline yvesjv

Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #62 on: Aug 18, 2021, 05:30:57 AM »

The consecutive and ongoing stuff ups from the decision makers have all culminated into where we are as a nation and why we aren't out of this quagmire.

Scovid from marketing, the Beetrooter etc will keep on being who they are
Like them or not, same goes to a degree for "Dictator" Dan, "Marky Mark" McGowan, "Wicked" Gladys and every other politico.
Regardless of who won the seats in Parliaments, the winners will always be the likes of Gina, Murdoch, etc AND the lobbyists.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the decision to
1. Mix the jabs for those who already had the AZ by following with the moderna or pfizer
2. Allow for a booster shot for any who had both jabs of the pfizer
3. Roll out a national vaccination program for jabs in each and every public school and retirement homes accross the nation. I remember back in the early 70s where my whole grade was jabbed against I think smallpox?
4. Lock down all national and international borders to NSW. That state is expected to spriral out of control. All international shipping can be redirected to Darwin!

As these decisions are made at a federal level, don't think I'm going to make prayers for any of the above to happen any time soon  :crybaby2:

Edit:- Some humour is much needed nationwide  :evil6:

Offline Navigator

Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #63 on: Aug 18, 2021, 09:09:27 AM »
All the eggs went into the basket the rest of the world was saying no to, its dubious at best in my opinion.
As for the production, surely they could of gotten setup for Pfizer in the mean time. Theres multiple labs now producing AZ, surely you'd want to cover all bases and keep options open, This has been going on for nearly 2 years now remember.

I would of been more comfortable with a new home grown vaccine as opposed to the an unknown from overseas. Call it patriotism or pragmatism, but I'd be more willing to support an Australian designed drug than another overseas untested drug. Theres always going to be side effects and reactions to any vaccine, sadly everyone reacts differently and as we're seeing, people will die.

I just feel they did(as they usually do) a knee jerk reaction to mitigate the look of incompetence because they weren't planning ahead or taking it seriously enough. The inquests are going to be never ending once this all settles and the Leadership will give the same response as per usual "We acted upon the information that we had at the time", never do they say "We planned for the possibility and mitigated factor x and y because of it."


AZ is the most widely administered vaccine in the world, so I'm not sure who's shunning it. There have been recent news reports on establishing a facility capable of producing the Pfizer vaccine and others of it's type, probably in Victoria, but it needs funding before any actual construction starts, so at least two years away. I  agree that it would have been great to have an Australian developed vaccine, but it didn't happen.  I also agree the federal government got complacent with low numbers of infections and didn't roll out vaccines quickly enough. Remember "it's not a race ". Except now it is.

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #64 on: Aug 18, 2021, 09:26:15 AM »
Remember "it's not a race ". Except now it is.
My opinon based on my limited research.

This was more media machine spin. Morrison said "its not a race" in relation to having a safe vacinne for Australians, NOT, getting said safe vacinne into arms. Our status for covid infection was relatively low compared to the rest of the world, therefore we could basically sit back and let the world be guinea pigs for vacinne that was designed in world record time, without longevity testing that every other vacinne has gone through. Lets be honest - the discussion right now is still about whether the vacinnes are safe. That is the largest hesitancy we endure in Australia right now. Not even 1 year old vacinnes are used globally.

The media took that statement from its context and then ran with it outside its context of the discussion about vacinne safety for citizens. My understanding is that AZ is one of the largest given vacinnes in the world alongside Pfizer - both do the job effectively. I believe Moderna is the new kid on the block and so far has less side effects than both of these. Time will tell though compared to crap all doses of Moderna used compared to AZ and Pfizer.

Our media has done immense damage to our vacinne rollout. They should have taken a pro-vacinne stance from the get go and not helped create the mixed messages we now endure.

Me personally, I would hate to be one of the 10 -20% of people being hesitant or refusing it once they let their foot of the brake. As with other countries who have done this with 80%+ full vax status, those not vaxed are landing in hospital in droves / dying. Israel was the world leader, now Delta has crippled it.

All politicians are crap to some degree IMO - I think the media are worse.
X-Terrain 2021 with a long list of to-do's.

Offline tom60

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #65 on: Aug 18, 2021, 10:08:10 AM »
IMHO lockdowns will continue with each outbreak until 80% of the population is vaccinated.  At that point the Fed's will declare lockdowns unnecessary; but it will be the state governments who decide.  They will likely base their decision on the popularity gained by having a lockdown vs the unpopularity of a lockdown and adverse economic impact. 

Vaccination doesn't guarantee you won't catch and transmit COVID.  Nor does it guarantee you won't die of COVID.  It just significantly reduces the likelihood.  Therefore the 20% who decide not to get vaccinated run a greater risk of contracting COVID and the associated health/fatality consequences.  In the first few years they may also find a number of their freedoms restricted (eg, travel) in an effort to prevent COVID spreading.

Offline WAI4WD

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #66 on: Aug 18, 2021, 10:10:49 AM »
but it will be the state governments who decide.  They will likely base their decision on the popularity gained by having a lockdown vs the unpopularity of a lockdown and adverse economic impact.
This is the part that bothers me most. They claim to agree at this time, but when you have 20% of Sydney and Melbourne infected, I want to see how WA responds to that, and other states, as to whether they stand by their words now.

I feel that holidaying outside your state in the near future may be unlikely, even with 80% vax.
X-Terrain 2021 with a long list of to-do's.

Offline yvesjv

Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #67 on: Aug 18, 2021, 11:54:55 AM »
It is official.
NSW hit 633 yesterday and 3 deaths
Gladys stated: "There were 633 cases of community transmission and at this stage there are at least 62 of those that were infectious in the community during that time."

It is spiralling methinks

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #68 on: Aug 18, 2021, 04:27:57 PM »
but it will be the state governments who decide.  They will likely base their decision on the popularity gained by having a lockdown vs the unpopularity of a lockdown and adverse economic impact.
This is the part that bothers me most. They claim to agree at this time, but when you have 20% of Sydney and Melbourne infected, I want to see how WA responds to that, and other states, as to whether they stand by their words now.

I feel that holidaying outside your state in the near future may be unlikely, even with 80% vax.

Politicians have more positions on a subject than the Karma Sutra.  To them nothing is black or white.. just 50 shades of grey. 

Here in the west we are currently COVID free and life is "normal".  However we have the lowest vaccination rate and are therefore more "at risk" of community spread.  Closing the state borders has created a 'chicken and egg' situation.  Closed borders means no COVID, so there is little incentive to vaccinate.  Low vaccine take-up means closed borders.  A poor vaccine program; mixed messaging about AZ; and a lack of pfizer hasn't helped.   My belief is once 80% is achieved the state government will open the borders to all who can prove they have been vaccinated.

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #69 on: Aug 19, 2021, 08:14:05 PM »

Providing we are not back in lockdown by Friday, I'm heading bush for a week or two - well away from these idiots... However, the last four trips we had planned were smashed at the last moment by lockdowns or border closures, so look out country Vic - probably back in lockdown Thursday night!

OK then; it's Thursday night and the ute is fuelled, water tanks full, all checks done, all camping gear loaded, fridge running and loaded with yummy food and beer,  it's almost 8pm and country Vic not yet 'snapped' back into a 'circuit breaker' lockdown, so we're all ready to depart at sparrows tomorrow for parts northern! ;D

We are more excited now than we were in 2019 (last decent trip pre-covid) when we headed off for a 17000 km trip that covered every mainland state with the highlight being from the Alice west to Marble Bar via Desert Queen baths.

So sad how our expectations have continued to steadily diminish due to #&*+ing covid - this trip is a few hundred kms north to the Murray River; still within frosty Vic. Ah well, we know some spots on the river that are extremely unlikely to be overrun with 'locked down' Melbourne people, unlike our home town... We will be a hell of a lot safer out in the bush than at home in country Vic!

And now that I've learnt how to post pics and comments from my smartarse phone, I may just make those of you in Melbourne and NSW jealous with pics n comments re our daring, adventurous and remote journey into the unknown wilds of northern Victoria...
(then again, I might be enjoying the serenity too much to bother!)

Cheers, Jack
Old Fart still pushing the envelope... but it remains stationery

Offline yvesjv

Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #70 on: Aug 20, 2021, 05:31:55 AM »
A physicist from UniMelb has posted predictions on the NSW fiasco:

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #71 on: Aug 20, 2021, 06:26:29 AM »
Enjoy Jack.
X-Terrain 2021 with a long list of to-do's.
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Offline WAI4WD

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Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #72 on: Aug 21, 2021, 11:26:34 AM »
And now that I've learnt how to post pics and comments from my smartarse phone, I may just make those of you in Melbourne and NSW jealous with pics n comments re our daring, adventurous and remote journey into the unknown wilds of northern Victoria...
(then again, I might be enjoying the serenity too much to bother!)
I hope you enjoyed Jack, reading this after the fact, and now you're back in lockdown too. Sorry mate. Atleast you got a weekend away, as I assume you don't have reception out camping already, so you will discover this on your return. Enjoy it whilst you can.

I feel sad that I have a new Dmax for two weeks with only 80km on the clock, most of which was driving it back from Werribee and the missus taking it for a local run around to try it out. The way this outbreak is going, I'll be lucky to have 100km on it by Christmas - most of which will be doing Bunnings click and collect (if that doesn't endup canned too due to infection outbreak.)
X-Terrain 2021 with a long list of to-do's.

Offline wj957

Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #73 on: Aug 21, 2021, 01:49:40 PM »
Well, up in brizzy there's nothing happening, I think. Don't do TV n social media, here is the exception.
Work was slow for me on Friday, so I made an executive decision and buggered off bush to the Scenic Rim Adventure Park about 30k south of Beaudesert. Mind you, I'm 4wd-less. Took the Falcon ute, swag, esky & a tarp. Oh, and rum. Can't really do any driving but sitting in the bush high up on a Ridge with views of the valley is awesome compared to a tilt slab concrete wall.
Just in case Anna has a brain fart.

Great photos on my phone, sorry puta numpty here.

Offline VALKIE

Re: Is Vic going into another lockdown?
« Reply #74 on: Aug 21, 2021, 04:02:38 PM »
After the latest moron protest, you will be entering a new phase of lockdown in a couple of weeks.

The Sydney morons had their protest 3 weeks ago and we now have over 800 infections.

What is wrong with these people?
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