I havent posted any merchandise out for a while so I am having an end of financial year push!!
I wish I could have a sale but there is not enough % in it to have a sale

We have been getting a lot of new members lately so hopefully they are getting enough information to help us out by buying some stickers or stubby holders as all the proceeds go to running the servers our forum is on.
MERCHANDISE PRICE LISTSticker - clear coated - 200 x 50 mm - $5.00
Stubby Holder - quality stitched can or bottle holder - $10.00
COMBO DEALSBuy one Stubby Holder and one Sticker together - $14 plus postage
Buy two Stubby Holders and one Sticker together - $22 plus postage
Plus many other Combo Deals
Please note:
There is only minimal profit at the above prices.
All profits contribute to the cost of running the forum's server.
POSTAGEAll Stickers posted free, unlimited amount (well as long as they all fit in an envelope!)
Stubby Holders and Combo Deals must go into a 500g Australia Post satchel, these are $8. Several Stubby Holders will fit in the one satchel if need be.
ORDERINGWe have set up an Online Shop at
http://merchandise.ozisuzu.com.au this is the best way to purchase our Merchandise as it is secure and should be a user friendly platform.
Or if you dont want to use the online shop send me a
Private Message or Email at
danny@ozisuzu.com.auPlease do not try and place orders in this thread. Orders can only be received at the Online Shop via PM or Email. Thanks for your support and understanding.
DELIVERYOnce we have received your order we will send you an invoice with payment details. All payments are to be made via Paypal or Direct Deposit.
As soon as payment is received/cleared we will post the goods. All items are posted from Tasmania so please allow 5 days for delivery once posted.