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Author Topic: A Friendly Reminder  (Read 4221 times)

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Offline DannyG

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A Friendly Reminder
« on: Jul 29, 2017, 08:29:55 AM »
As a rule our members are very well behaved and for the most part respect others when replying to threads, which is great because none of the Mod team want to step in and one likes an over moderated forum.

But just as a friendly reminder please be mindful of others when you reply to their posts.

What may be a silly question to you, may not be to the person who asked it. So please reply with respect to all questions.
I am not suggesting that this isnt happening but there are occasions where I read a reply and think that it could have been worded a little nicer and perhaps the reply came across as belittling or condescending towards the person asking the question.
It may just be a case of me being somewhat 'soft' and seeing things that are not really there but I prefer to be a little cautious when it comes to the way our members are treated.

Because as we all know it is all fun and games until someones feelings get hurt ;)

So keep up the good work everyone but lets just have a think about how our replies may come across if you are on the receiving end of them, thats all.
"People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"

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