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Author Topic: Ozisuzu Forum Code of Conduct  (Read 21234 times)

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Offline DannyG

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Ozisuzu Forum Code of Conduct
« on: Apr 18, 2017, 12:06:00 PM »
OzIsuzu Code of Conduct (OCC)

OzIsuzu Forums have a wide demographic of members ranging from the seasoned bush traveller to the new breed of weekend warriors sharing a common interest of all things Isuzu.  We all have an obligation to behave responsibly with due respect and consideration to promote an OzIsuzu Forum community where everyone can feel at ease and be comfortable.

The Golden Rule
"Post unto others, as you would have them post unto you"...

In other words, think about what you have typed before hitting that Enter Key.
Be respectful of your fellow members!
  • Profanity is not permitted.
  • Cross forum posting is not allowed.
  • Flaming, harassing or threatening another member is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  • Spamming is not allowed and may result in your user account to be deleted.
  • Posting of links to pornographic sites, pornographic or overtly sexual images are not tolerated and will result in your user account to be deleted.
  • Avatars and links of an offensive or suggestive nature will not be tolerated and may be removed at the Administrator's discretion (the decision is final).
  • Arguing your point with a moderator or refusing to do, or stop doing something a Moderator has asked you about, will not be tolerated.  If you have an issue with a Moderator, arguing with him or her on the forum is not the way to go.  We like to think that we are all mature individuals here that can resolve differences in a courteous and civilized manner.

Three Strikes System
Any breach of the OzIsuzu Code of Conduct will result in actions described below:
  • Strike One
    Warning, verbal (posted) and/or email, from an Administrator or Moderator, which may direct you to make amends or apologize for your actions to another member or at the very least clean up the offending post.
  • Strike Two
    Suspension of posting privileges for a minimum of one week, but may be longer, depending on the nature of the problem.  You will be notified via personal message and/or email of the suspension.
  • Strike Three
    Suspension of "ALL" privileges and may include banning from the OzIsuzu Forum community.  In order to have your privileges re-instated, YOU will need to send an email to the Administrator/s, stating why you should be given a chance to continue to be part of the OzIsuzu Forum community, within one week OR the account will be deleted permanently.

The "Three Strikes System" is only one out of many options the OzIsuzu moderators may take in addressing inappropriate behaviour.  Depending on the situation, the response can range from a friendly warning to a permanent ban from the Forum.  As a member of the OzIsuzu Forum community, we expect everyone to behave responsibly, with maturity and due consideration for the other members.
"People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"


Offline DannyG

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Re: Ozisuzu Forum Code of Conduct
« Reply #1 on: Apr 18, 2017, 12:16:36 PM »
The Ozisuzu team are always working behind the scenes to try and improve everyones experience using your forums.
Due to our massive growth rate we have found the need to have some systems to handle situations where people conduct themselves outside of our rules and what we would consider family friendly.
So we now have the Ozisuzu Forum Code of Conduct.

As a rule our members are very well behaved but from time to time the odd person goes a bit far. We like to think we are reasonably tolerant of a lot of the borderline behavior but when things over step the mark we need to step in and get it under control.

We have noticed lately that there are quite a few instances where the replies are in the 'smart alec' gray area that we dont intervene but we certainly watch the repeat offender/s. So please have a think about what you're posting and ask yourself, would I say this in real life face to face.

Thanks for your understanding and continued friendly participation. If you want to discuss these rules or have any comments or suggestions feel free to PM myself or the Mods anytime.

"People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"



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