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4WD Course

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You could also consider doing a 4x4 driving course to give yourself the best chance of avoiding needing traction aids.

I've done two and they were a heap of fun plus we learned lots, including 'driving through the brakes'.


--- Quote from: Ziggy on Apr 19, 2015, 11:54:24 AM ---You could also consider doing a 4x4 driving course to give yourself the best chance of avoiding needing traction aids.

I've done two and they were a heap of fun plus we learned lots, including 'driving through the brakes'.

--- End quote ---

You on a commission for your 4WD instructor mate  :laughing7:

But, yes a driving course for a first time fourbie owner is a good thing to do.


Did one years ago and yes they are good.
To be honest I think you learn just as much by joining a good 4x4 club...not as quickly though.

I should be Dave!

Nah, maybe it's just age.  When young I'd jump in at the deep end and confidence and quick reactions could accomplish a lot.  But I'm not up to that way of learning any more.

That's right rhyno.  There's a lot of experienced and generous blokes in clubs.  But I've found to join often you have to have done at least a basic course.


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