General Boards > OzIsuzu Forum Bulletin Board

Apologies for the recent spam

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As some of you have noticed, we have had a couple of spammers sneak through the system again over the last couple of days.
Unfortunately they posted pornography.
Obviously this does not fit in with our family friendly approach so please accept my apologies to those that may have been offended by the content.

We are doing everything we can to stop spammers but if they are really persistent they can still find a way in.
I personally do my best to keep an eye on things on a very regular basis but in instances like today I was busy at work and the pictures were posted for several hours.

Thanks to those that reported the posts.

I thought it may have been a clever scheme to cover the web hosting costs.....I even tried to enter my credit card No.  :bootyshake:  :bootyshake:

Yes came across the spam myself, thought that was the weirdest ruff riding 4x4 I have ever seen! :nono:

Yes it is hard to keep the spammers out, And as Taza said, we all appreciate the work you guys do!


--- Quote from: DannyG on Oct 28, 2016, 05:41:56 PM ---We are doing everything we can to stop spammers but if they are really persistent they can still find a way in....

--- End quote ---

The auto register spam bots has been addressed a couple of months ago but the manually registered accounts are a bit tricky.  The account removed yesterday morning even went to length as to enter a "location" then stayed dormant for over a month.

Another way in is if an account is hacked and used for spamming.  If this is detected, please be advised that the compromised user account will be deleted.

Please be assured that we are addressing the issue at the earliest possible opportunity that we can.

Your understanding and vigilance in promptly reporting the issue is very much appreciated.


 i was wishing the mux had as much flex as she did lol

On a serious note you guys do the best you can. And we all appreciate it



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