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UHF Performance


Question. will a new 80 channel UHF give any better performance, clarity than a 5 year old 40 channel (uniden) using the same GME antenna !  thanks[/font][/size]

Is it worth upgrading !


If you have a 40 and your travelling companions have 80s you may not be able to hear the 80s as clearly on your old 40.  Volume on your 40 will be down a bit also when listening to a transmission from an 80.  I have also found that an 80 gives you more channels to use and allows you to get away from the congested chatter on the 40s.  However the main channels are all covered on a 40.


+1 to the above......and your existing Aerial providing its in good condition is fine for the 80ch.

The additional channels fit in between the frequency's of the existing 40 channels...... i.e CH 41 is in between channel 1 & 2 on the 40ch frequency plan etc.



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