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'QUEENSLANDER' - For those in the Eastern States

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. Half a bottle of Glenfarclas 18 yr later

How many points was it again.

Another series.. again.

Like I said. AND Phil Gould agrees with me.

Until they get rid if the current leaders.
NSW  will never win. They go out there every yr.
With a losers mindset.
"We can't win. They too good"

Queensland. Again....

How tough was that 1st half penalty count 9-1 in Nsw favour and Queensland down a player for 10 minutes ,tough stuff for Queensland I recon they can do it . NSW should have scored twice at least ,watch the Queenslanders come out in the second half with purpose . Matt

The ref's really leaned the blues way this game.
SOme real bad calls on both sides too.
He really NEEDS to take up knitting.
he can't control a footy game.

Finally, as I've been saying. Daley got a team together.

If the ref's are fair and controlling. BOTH WAYS.
and players forget out the big I am some think they are.
and concentrate on playing footy.

We'll finally have a competition. 1/10  or 10/1. The losermust really get disheartened.

All I want to see.
Is a couple or three. "Full on" games of Footy.
Regardless of who wins.. I just like appreciating the game.

I'm a footy fan first. that also follows Bronc's. Cowboys and Bunny's.

One day they'll let the main competition finish first. B4 Origin.
Then the players can concentrate on the one thing at a time.

Ne'er mind. Apart from a few dirty hic-cups it was a pretty good game.
Much neareer than it has been for last 11 yrs or so.

Bring Gus back and train them together for a coupla sesasons.
 you'll have a winning team...

Let's see who's going to have the stars of the future.


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